A celebration of John's life

Created by Steven 7th October 2023 This event has closed


On Saturday 7th October, we will be having a much bigger Celebration of John's Life at the Teign Valley Community Hall, Christow, EX6 7WA, which we would love you to come to. We will serve coffee and biscuits at 11am and the Celebration will start around 11.30am with music John loved, mixed in with snippets about John's work for wildlife and horticulture from several people who knew him as well as stories from close family and friends. After that we will have a simple lunch with tea served later. We will be dressing informally. Please email audrey@boveyclimateaction.org.uk to let me know if you would like to come; do bring your partner too. Bring along any photos and stories that you would like to share (please put your name, the occason and the date on the back) and add your memories to our collection. Or put them on this website. If possible, can you car share to reduce your carbon footprint? If you'd like a lift, let me know in good time, including where you are coming from. Ditto if you can offer a lift. Donations can be made to Rowcroft Hospice at Home (who helped us SO much during John's illness) and/or the ACT Wildlife Warden Scheme, which John helped create - before becoming one of our local Wildlife Wardens. with love and best wishes, Audrey Audrey


A Celebration of John's Life

8th September 2023
Thank you so much for getting in touch with us when John was ill and after his death; your letters, cards and emails have been an enormous comfort to us both. On Saturday 7th October, we will be having a big Celebration of John's Life at the Teign Valley Community Hall, Christow, EX6 7WA, which we would love you to come to. We will serve coffee and biscuits at 11am and the Celebration will start around 11.30am with music John loved, mixed in with snippets about John's work for wildlife and horticulture from several people who knew him as well as stories from close family and friends. After that we will have a simple lunch with tea served later. We will be dressing informally. Please email me audrey@boveyclimateaction.org.uk to let me know if you would like to come; do bring your partner too. Bring along any photos and stories that you would like to share (please put your name, the occason and the date on the back) and add your memories to our collection. If possible, can you car share to reduce your carbon footprint? If you'd like a lift, let me know in good time, including where you are coming from. Ditto if you can offer a lift. You can add a story and pictures here, as well as making a donation if you would like to. Donations can either be to to Rowcroft Hospice at Home (who helped us SO much during John's illness) and/or the ACT Wildlife Warden Scheme, which John helped create - before becoming one of our local Wildlife Wardens! with love and best wishes, Audrey